
Our News Blog

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At the SBC Victim Impact Panel, we understand the importance of education and prevention in DUI cases. Our online DUI Risk Reduction Course offers valuable insights and tools to help individuals reduce their risk of driving under the influence. In this article, we'll explore the significance of DUI education, delve into the content of our online course, and highlight its benefits for those facing DUI charges. Contact us today to learn more about our courses.

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Facing a DUI charge is a challenging and often life-altering experience. Beyond legal consequences, it's crucial to understand the broader impact of drunk driving on individuals, families, and communities. The SBC’s Victim Impact Panel provides an opportunity for those charged with DUI to gain insight into these impacts. Now, with the advent of online Victim Impact Panels, individuals can access these valuable resources conveniently, allowing for a flexible, accessible path to fulfilling court requirements. Contact the SBC Victim Impact Panel today to learn more.

smiling man taking online class

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